CDP+ Delphi Autocom Firmware Recovery, OTP Area, Firmwares
So i (@fantomel) was thinking these days to make a full pack at day regarding the the firmware our CDP+ interfaces.
As you all know we can flash our interface SAFE only inside Delphi 2012.3 (last version without clone blacklist) or in these days inside WOW (no matter what version).
We (at least me) prefer to write the firmware with WOW because like this i can use wow and delphi-autocom without problems since WOW writes some extra bits that delphi-autocom does not detect but wow does.
Story short, what will you find inside this pack:
1. Mprog 3.5 and ept file for CDP+ (never seen one that has this problem)
2. How to recover your CDP+ from a bad flash or red lights problem via USB.
3. How to read your firmware with a ST-Link device via CDP+ J400 connector and also pinout of STLink to J400
4. How to read the OTP (One Time Programming) area responsable for the serial number of your interface - BE CAREFUL . This area can be modified only by incrementing the actual serial number in the already written ST chip or you can write any number in a new one if you know how.
5. Flash Loader Demonstrator v2.6.0 to restore your firmware via USB
6. STM32 ST-Link Utility v3.4.0 to read firmware and otp and if you are willing to risk to change them.
6. OTP area for CDP+ Clone 100251 bin file.
7. Firmware from programs: 1321 from WOW ;1331 from delphi, autocom, wow; 1410 from WOW, 1422 from Delphi and 1423 from Autocom.
8. Firmware recovery to flash your CDP+ interface in case of upgrade or bad flash:
a) Old ones already on web:2012.2; 2012.3; 2013.1; 2013.2.1; 2013.2.2; 2013.3.
b) My flash files written to CDP+ by WOW and read via ST-Link saved as .bin,.hex,.s19,.srec from my clone CDP+ FOR RECOVERY
2013.3 - Firmware 1331
2014.1 - Firmware 1410
2014.2 - Firmware 1422 from Delphi
2014.2 - Firmware 1423 from Autocom
9. 24.12.2014 Firmware 1430 from Autocom 2014 R3 2.14.3
10. 24.12.2014 New pack with RECOVERY FIRMWARE 1430 .bin,.hex,.s19,.srec included and all from 1->9
If you find something wrong or to add to this pack please write.
All you need to play with your CDP+ interface it's a ST-Link V2 Programmer CLONE like these HERE or the Original.
If you need a password for a file, like always it's fantomel
11. - 12.04.2015 - Added to MY COLLECTION for CDP and CDP+ Firmware 1513 from AUTOCOM 2015 R1 2.15.1
12. - 12.04.2015 - Added MY COLLECTION for CDP and CDP+ where you will find all above + Complete Install kits to Delphi and Autocom 2013.3 , All my WOW 4 and 5 Collection, All Genuine Kits of 2014 and also The mixed 2014.1 Version with 2 patches(one already present in main archive and another one separated) - a little late but i forgot to post this also here.
13. - 20.04.2015 - Added to MY COLLECTION for CDP and CDP+ Firmware 1424 and 1430 from Wurth Group for WOW and W.EASY
14. - 07.05.2015 - Added to MY COLLECTION for CDP and CDP+ Firmware 1515 from Wurth Group for WOW and W.EASY
15. - 24.08.2015 - Added to MY COLLECTION for CDP and CDP+ Firmware 1520 from Delphi R2 2.15.2
16. - 20.09.2015 - Added to MY COLLECTION for CDP and CDP+ Firmware 1521 from W.Easy WOW
17. - 28.12.2015 - Added to MY COLLECTION for CDP and CDP+ Firmware 1532 from Autocom/Delphi 2016.0
18. - 16.02.2016 - Added to MY COLLECTION for CDP and CDP+ Firmware 1532 from W.Easy WOW
19. - 05.04.2016 - Added to MY COLLECTION for CDP and CDP+ Firmware 1534 & 1535 from W.Easy WOW
20. - 03.06.2016 - Added to MY COLLECTION for CDP and CDP+ Firmware 1612 from Autocom/Delphi 2016.10
21. - 08.08.2016 - Added to MY COLLECTION for CDP and CDP+ Firmware 1615 from W.Easy WOW
22. - 15.10.2016 - Added to MY COLLECTION for CDP and CDP+ Firmware 1622 from W.Easy WOW and Autocom 2016.20 - Last fw for CDP interface since from 11.2016 is EOL
(BIG THANKS to fantomel, src:
CDP PRO review:
- I get CDP+ double board s/n 100251. worked.
- I bought two CDP + from the same provider, I have wow, delphi, autocom, opus installed with the same firmware in all.
I tried them on another computer, both worked.
- I have delphi china 1pcb reworked and software 2014.3 work very good for all cars and truck
- Firmware from the Chinese is older than mine and mine works better in Wow, so I upgrade.
I have bought over 50 pieces from China and flash them without any problems.
I sell them in Sweden with the installation manual in Swedish and with a simplified installation process than that provided by the Chinese.
CDP PRO questions and answers:
problem with the m6636:
Q: the problem with the m6636 is in the cdp pro not in cdp+. replace the 2 diodes and check if it works. the 2 diodes is for bmw and maybe mercedes,honda ? and other ?
A: the 2 diodes are D701 and D703. back the pcb. you must replace it with 1n4148. I have replaced these two diodes and gained the communication with BMW car which I could not communicate with before
. So, well DONE 
not work with BMW / Mercedes:
Q: any solution for BMW with this CDP unit?
A: The OKI chip is only for cars that support the PWM/VPWM protocol like Ford. BMW didn't use the PWM/VPWM protocol. The info that the TCS CDP does not work with BMW and Mercedes is bullshit.
I had the same problem with a lot of TCS CDP interfaces. You have to know that the components for TCS CDP interface, removed from old devices like tv´s, radio´s etc. check all solder Joints of all components (especially relays), so I have fixed the problem. I use the same interface for all BMW cars and it works without problems.
Q: I installed the wow wurth and delphi truck and car program on my personal computer at the workshop.
The delphi works with the 150e (model without bluetooth)
I would like to know if there is a guide to using the 150e with wurth wow.
A: You need to copy and replace files from Wow>ac_diag>firmware to Delphi>firmware and then plug your interface to your car, start Delphi a update firmware manualy. When finished start WoW and update firmware as well manualy. Remember your ds150e interface must be plug in to your car an ignition must be on. Then it must work.
Q: The firmware inside wow can be flash the vci delphi? But if i change software (delphi wow or wow delphi) i need to write firmware anytime?
A: You need to copy WOW firmware to Delphi folder(no Delphi to WOW).
Just download any WoW firmware (best 1430) from fantomel post and copy all files into Wow>ac_diag>firmware and to Delphi>firmware as well and then plug your interface to your car, start Delphi a update firmware manualy by pressing the update button in the software. Remember when you do update firmware, your interface must be plug in to your car an ignition must be on. If you do it this way, your interface will work with WoW, Delphi and Autocom.
Q: Can you post a picture of the vci motherboard with bluetooth? Because I disassembled it to see if it was bluetooth but I did not see bluetooth central hardware. I sold it as bluetooth
A: Bluetooth don't work well for me. Use cable connection, it's more stable.
Q: And the last question what type of original mark of diagnose are compatibilities?
A: To see what firmware is in your software go to C:\wow5.00.8\ac_diagnosis_module\firmware and open this with notepad. you will see this:
My firmware is 1430 but your can be different.
Good luck.
TCS CDP+ review:
as i promissed i am sharing the feedback of updating from 2013.1 to 2013.3 + steps folowed:
1) dezinstal 2013.1 ;2)certificate removal ;3) Driver dezinstal from Device manager ; 4) CC cleaner for Reg file ; 4) deleting all files from prog files, usser doccuments app etc.
Clean instal of 2013.3 + full activation ( pease use only the original soft from delphi.europe) and apply the patch than activate with the full keygen.
The firmware update was performed over USB and it was performed in 2.5 minutes with a success message at the end.
Car tested : Focus 2007 - 100% ok- ABS now is working - i do not have to switch to 2005 year
VW golf 5 - 1.6 bse - 100% - ok - they have added also freeze frame.
Than i have tested EOBD and Advanced Eobd.- 100 % success.
Atention: please check and recheck the USB cable- normaly i am using BT, and when is test it , the chinese USB cable( it was sealed - 100% new) was deffective - somewere in the main connector.It disconect the VCI when i was moving it. Than i have ussed my printer cable and it worked perfectly.
My clone DS150E CDP+ new vc, I have open it and checked the soldering , "can filters". , switches - NEC ; and all it seems to be in place even after 250 diagnostics. Indeed my seler was sending quality A of the board.
poligrafika : it is about an software problem. You have to choose 2013.3 or 2013.1. For my side i am more intrested in ford B max and Renault 0.9 ; 1.2 TCE engines.