Thursday, September 5, 2019

A multi brand diagnostic tool in a budget of 100/150 €

looking for a multi brand diagnostic tool in a budget of 100/150 € (I already have a netbook running XP) I cannot afford to take a kts. Of course the most complete tool that can fit in all calculators (engine, abs / esp, air bag ect) but also it can do the reset to revision such as fiat / alpha, vw

Option 1. Delphi DS150e/ Autocom / wow
The above three are very good interfaces for all multibrand.
delphi and autocom it’s the same.
you can also use wow.
like all multibrand you will never have access to 100% on all calculators.

Option 2. Look here Multidiag Pro is the site that has the least problem, buying on the internet nobody is safe from a problem.
 Multidiag Pro

I have many recent cars that come in maintenance at home.
Here’s what I want to do with:
Clear maintenance codes
Find fault codes
Clear ABS or TRACK codes
Can reset the FAP level
No repro
Multi-Diag Access J2534

Question: which software and interface to invest?

There is enough about the choice of a multi-brand, such as multidiag actia, Delphi DS150e, Autocom, wow, Multidiag Pro and more.

Topic 1: opinion on actia multidiag compare to ds150e ci actia
between the 2 tools there is a difference!
one will be performent on some vehicles and none on others
the other will do the opposite!
example multidiag is not very good in Japanese and very good in the French (but not all)
so the 2 tools are complete!
The 2 can be near the same skills the difference is played on the types of vehicle (European vehicle => actia, exter europe => delphi, although the two are doing very well). The ideal is still diag own manufacturer but hey it’s still expensive to add lol.

Topic 2: Can ACTIA Multi-Diag work with a DS150e interface?
Fact: actia multidiag only works with its software and the serial numbers of its peak and with no other software so it does not work with ds150.
Ds150 works with delphi.

Topic 3: with a vci multidiag you can do vida (volvo), I mean that with our vci actia multidiag we can diag with the soft Vida if it’s the case you try or you have to change the vci.
Tested it works without anything modified, the multidiag compatible with SAE J2534